One-time Projects Through the Eyes of Lyne Paré

One-time Projects Through the Eyes of Lyne Paré

Presenting Lyne Paré, physician and IRIS Mundial volunteer. Lyne has participated in more than 15 international missions from 1 to 3 weeks, in Peru, Haiti, Mexico, Benin and Indonesia, mostly with IRIS Mundial, but also with Terre sans Frontières and the UPA-DI. The...
Testimony – Benoit Tousignant

Testimony – Benoit Tousignant

Here is Dr. Benoit Tousignant, an IRIS Mundial optometrist volunteer for several years! He has been part of 5 missions with IRIS Mundial, starting in Pachuca, Mexico in 2000, before the official foundation of IRIS Mundial. He also was an administrator from 2012 to...
Good news: a science article published!

Good news: a science article published!

Good news! Thanks to data collection efforts from patients during the 2018 IRIS Mundial project in Senegal, a science article has been published relating to visual impairments and eye diseases present in the St-Louis area of Senegal. This article, published in June...
Testimony- Elisabeth Duncan

Testimony- Elisabeth Duncan

Here is Elisabeth Duncan, Optician and IRIS Mundial volunteer. Elisabeth took part in nine one-time projects with IRIS Mundial, starting in Iquitos, Peru in 2004. When she got involved in international cooperation for the first time, Elizabeth discovered a true...
Testimony- Katherine Massam

Testimony- Katherine Massam

This is Katherine Massam, an IRIS Mundial volunteer who has been working “behind the scenes” for over 5 years! Aside from the volunteers on missions, a lot of background work is necessary to keep an organization alive: management of equipment and eyeglasses, funding,...