The Jean-Pierre Tchang Award was created in 2009 to highlight, annually, the exceptional contribution of one of our volunteers to the IRIS Mundial mission. The 2020 award was presented to Mrs. Marie-Claude Cossette during the IRIS Mundial 20th anniversary event because it could not be given during a gathering in 2020. On this occasion, her two long-time friends, Drs. Lyne Paré and Marie-Carole Bégin, who are themselves IRIS Mundial volunteers, gave a wonderful speech in her honour.

Marie-Claude’s involvement started in 2003, after meeting Dr. Jean-Pierre Tchang, the IRIS Mundial’s founder, during a trip to Peru the previous year. She immediately joined the organization and took part in a one-time project in Huaraz, Peru. In total, she participated to nine missions with IRIS Mundial, usually as a nurse and one time as the Volunteer manager. She was also a member of the board of directors from June 2017 to November 2019. She is a very dedicated, friendly and smiling person with whom it is always pleasant to deal with. Thank you for your involvement and your big heart, dear Marie-Claude!