Portrait of a Big-hearted Volunteer – Francine Lavallée

Portrait of a Big-hearted Volunteer – Francine Lavallée

We present to you Dr. Francine Lavallée, Optometrist, a volunteer who has IRIS Mundial tattooed on her heart for many years! Anyone who is affiliated with the organization knows Francine without doubt, because she has been involved with all her soul in all the parts...

Testimony – Christiane Béliveau

Testimony – Christiane Béliveau

We would like to introduce you to Dr. Christiane Béliveau, Optometrist and IRIS Mundial volunteer. Christiane took part in seven one-time projects with IRIS Mundial, and the very first one was in 2000, the year before the official launch of IRIS Mundial as a...

February 2021 was IRIS Mundial month

February 2021 was IRIS Mundial month

A donation of $93,250 has been made by IRIS! February 2021 was IRIS Mundial Month in all IRIS stores across Canada. For each pair of eyeglasses sold during this special month, a donation of $10 was made to IRIS Mundial contributing to the grand total of $89,900! Also,...

In 2021, IRIS Mundial celebrates its 20th year of existence

In 2021, IRIS Mundial celebrates its 20th year of existence

By Julie Roegiers, general manager THE BIRTH OF IRIS MUNDIAL In June 2001, thanks to the visionary and committed spirit of Dr. Jean-Pierre Tchang, optometrist, our beautiful organization, IRIS Mundial, officially came into being. For 20 years, caring volunteers have...

The adventures of the traveling glasses

The adventures of the traveling glasses

Mrs. Michelle Smallman, regional manager at IRIS, The Visual Group, recently printed new copies of her book entitled “The adventures of the traveling glasses” and has decided to give $ 10 per book sold to IRIS Mundial. The book tells the story of a pair of glasses...

IRIS Mundial in the context of Covid-19

IRIS Mundial in the context of Covid-19

Like many international cooperation organizations, IRIS Mundial is strongly impacted in the implementation of its regular activities in this pandemic context. We were forced to postpone the realization of our one-time project that should have taken place early...

Annual report 2019

Annual report 2019

It’s a beauty, fresh off the press and it’s now accessible! We are proud to present our 2019 annual report which highlights the achievements of this rich and colourful past year.

February 2020 was IRIS Mundial month

February 2020 was IRIS Mundial month

A donation of $81,670 has been made by IRIS! February 2020 was IRIS Mundial Month in all IRIS.ca stores across Canada. For each pair of eyeglasses sold during this special month, a donation of $10 was made to IRIS Mundial contributing to the grand total of $77,270!...

Training mission – management support

Training mission – management support

By Catherine Rioux, general management (in collaboration with Mr. André Racine)   EMPOWERMENT, AN ESSENTIAL ASPECT OF DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS Empowerment and sustainability of eye care services in developing countries are two very important aspects and are part of...