Nearly 3,000 patients have benefited!

Our experience in the region of Labrousse was such positive and successful one that IRIS Mundial made the decision to create a second permanent program in the Limbe area, more specifically in the North Department of Haiti, in collaboration with the CEDI EV (Centre for Education and Integrated Development – Village of Hope), our partner for this second 


The PPLC team (Programme for the prevention and fight against blindness) Limbe consists of a nurse, an assistant and two local residents who take to heart the needs of the population. Radio announcements are regularly broadcasted throughout the community to raise awareness of visual problems and make our program better known. During the first year, nearly 3,000 patients have benefited from the program.

The team visited 21 schools: nearly 1,800 children were evaluated, and 144 teachers. As for the adult population, 1,044 screenings (57% women) were performed at the CEDI-VE clinic or mobile clinics in different localities of the region. People who need reading glasses or sunglasses can now easily get them. Those requiring further examination are referred to our clinic in Limbe and can benefit from eye exam onsite and purchase prescription glasses, and eye 

medications. Several people were also able to benefit from cataract surgery or be treated for glaucoma.

The 2-year program plans to reach 10,000 people, including 5,000 schoolchildren, through visual screenings in addition to offering a hundred surgeries to those in need. Visual services are not accessible to most Haitian due to poverty level. The Program for the Prevention and Fight against Blindness in Limbe aims to provide access to comprehensive eye care, goal being to improve quality of life to those in need and to actively participate in economic and social development of the community.