1. One-time project
2018, Saint-Louis
- 2000 eye examination
- 29 ocular surgeries
- 111 medical examinations
Association St-Louisienne pour la Vue (ASV)
Ministère de la Santé et de l’Action sociale in Senegal
2. Permanent programs
PPFB Saint-Louis
January 2019 – May 2021*
* À noter qu’en raison de la pandémie de la Covid-19, le projet qui devait initialement se terminer fin décembre 2020 a été prolongé jusqu’à fin mai 2021.
3. Training missions
St. Louis - January 2 to 23, 2023
Training nurses and employees in the field of eye care as part of our permanent program in St. Louis.
By the optometrists and postgraduate residents in community optometry at the Université de Montréal School of Optometry, Annabelle Messier et Véronique Small
Saint-Louis - Janvier 25 to February 15, 2020
Support in the field of management and organizational development for the staff of the permanent program.
By M. André Racine, expert in organizational management.
Saint-Louis - November 14 to 24, 2019
Training nurses and teammates in the field of eye care as part of our permanent program in Saint-Louis.
By Dr. Francine Lavallée, optometrist and Ms. Sophie Duchesne, optician.
Saint-Louis - March 21 to 31, 2019
Training nurses and teammates in the field of eye care as part of our permanent program in Saint-Louis.
By Drs Nicole Vachon and Marie-Chantal Hudon, optometrists.
St. Louis PPFB - Optical studies
Financing of optical studies in Mali from 2021 to 2023 for the son of the PPFB optician in order to perpetuate the program and its services.