We present to you Dr. Francine Lavallée, Optometrist, a volunteer who has IRIS Mundial tattooed on her heart for many years! Anyone who is affiliated with the organization knows Francine without doubt, because she has been involved with all her soul in all the parts of the organization! The love story between Francine and IRIS Mundial began in 2008 in Cajamarca, Peru, and continues every day since then! She has participated in 16 missions, including several as an optometrist and one as Visual Care Manager. She was also a member of the administration council from 2010 to 2017, mainly as President. Her participation on many IRIS Mundial committees is very precious and invaluable. Thank you, Francine, for your great involvement for so many years!
Here is a testimony of her involvement to highlight the 20th anniversary of IRIS Mundial:
“When people ask me why I spend so much time and energy into IRIS Mundial projects, I could say a lot of things: I want to help the most unprivileged or to give back to those who don’t have our luck by sharing my professional expertise. Of course, it’s true and I put my whole heart into it! But the reason why I put so much energy into it and always start over again is because it has become a need, a second nature for me. IRIS Mundial’s projects mean a lot to me: travels, a change of scenery, getting out of our comfort zone, giving myself new challenges, the discovery of other cultures, and especially meeting amazing people… Those with whom we cooperate abroad: people who want the best for their community… and the volunteers of IRIS Mundial: outstanding people who inspired me from the very beginning during my first mission in Peru.
When we arrive to our destination in a developing country, we can see very quickly the needs, the lack of resources and how many people have visual impairments which handicap their life and for which there is a solution most of the time. Indeed, a simple pair of glasses or surgery could allow them to see again and become functional by studying or working, instead of being a burden for their family. But, unfortunately, they don’t have access to it most of the time. We could say that our actions are a tiny drop in a sea of global inequality… and we can’t pretend to change the world, but if our actions can raise awareness of the importance of vision and inspire people to help the most unprivileged, I believe it’s a big step in the right direction!
Each of our actions may seem just like a tiny drop of water in the ocean … but when a lady regains sight, she can go back to work and support her family… and when a child regains sight, he can return to school, but can also regain his independence and hope for a better future.
On a more personal level, during the training missions in which I participated, I had the chance to meet our foreign colleagues, to live with them and to discover their way of living, eating and travelling (For example riding 3 passengers on a cross-country motorcycle!). I could immerse myself in their culture, encourage them, forge links and share extraordinary moments with these people devoted to their community. I have lifelong memories of it. I really love these kinds of experiences that nourish me and keep my desire to volunteer alive.
Thanks to its marvellous team of volunteers, IRIS Mundial can carry out great projects by giving sight to thousands of people among the most disadvantaged in the world. I am very proud to be part of this team of caring people.”