Translation or translation verification
Given that IRIS Mundial’s main partner, IRIS The Visual Group, is a Pan-Canadian company with stores in both Quebec and Western Canada, we strive to publish our news and our content in both official languages, English and French. It happens that some English-speaking professionals of the network accompany us during the missions, therefore the documents must be translated. The general management of IRIS Mundial is bilingual (with English not being the mother tongue), which allows it to translate all documents and communication. On the other hand, as the quality of the language is important and reflects the professionalism of the organization, we must make sure that the translations are impeccable, which is why we are constantly on the lookout for perfectly bilingual volunteers, who have good writing skills. English (syntax and spelling), either to make translations or to check and correct the translations made by the general management of IRIS Mundial.
Here is an idea of the type of publications / documents to check for translations:
- Small Facebook posts (usually 1 per week)
- Newsletter with IRIS Mundial news (usually 1 per quarter)
- All documents for IRIS Mundial month (annually in December / January)
- Articles of projects or missions
- Occasional updating of the website (creation of new pages or updating of content)
- Annual report (in February-March)
- Blog articles on the website.